Built the Effective Internal Control System in Local Governments of Developing Countries : A Case Study on Tegal City

Arief Hadianto, Roy Valiant Salomo, Maralus Panggabean

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The purpose of this paper is to formulate the recommendation to reconstruction the Internal Control Policy in order to embody the Government Internal Control System, a specifically local government in Indonesia that is more effective. The research is using the qualitative method based on literature review and depth interview with a relevant source, including the top management of Tegal City and policy expertise as well. A policy analysis and Grindle theory are used to investigate the factors that contribute to the implementation of Government Regulation Number 60/2008 in uneffective Tegal City. The result shows that the reward and punishment in the policy is certainly needed, a derivative policy as an instrument to operate the must be applied policy, the rules regarding the local government officials should be revised, a professionalism strengthening and an independency of monitoring officials, the coordination and collaboration between local government to build a harmonization partnership in order to implement the policy that has to be improved, a dissemination policy and the integration of the internal control system report into a budgeting system and organization cultural development to create the better control environment in order heading to an effective internal control system.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)997-1001
JournalInternational Journal of Engineering & Technology
Issue number2.29
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2018


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