Building social CRM framework on enterprise architecture framework using value chain process approach

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Customer Relationship Management in this social media era (which is known as Social CRM or CRM 2.0) requires a quite different treatment compared to the previous one (or often referred to as Traditional CRM or CRM 1.0). The use of social media in the Social CRM has changed the role of the company and the customer, which was originally a corporate centric to currently a customer centric. Universities and colleges are a different service company compared to other kind of service companies in general term. Social CRM Framework is needed in this higher education sector because their customers (students) are very expertise in the use of technology. It makes this generation very familiar in utilizing social media. This Social CRM Framework is built on the Enterprise Architecture (EA) framework, results an information system outcome since Enterprise Architecture 672 Meyliana and Eko K. Budiardjo can bridge the speed gap between business changes with the information technology change. The EA used is the Zachman Framework and Architecture of Integrated Information System (ARIS) Framework. The mapping results between Social CRM Frameworks and EA has produces 6 cells, namely the data, time, network, people, function and motivation. This paper discuss how to fill in the function cell and people cell using the Value Chain Process (is called the Higher Education Value Chain) and the APQC Process Classification FrameworkSM approach which is made into business process outcome, then this business process will be described to be business process model and workflow model (organization unit and work product).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)671-676
Number of pages6
JournalContemporary Engineering Sciences
Issue number13-16
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Business process model
  • Enterprise architecture (EA)
  • Higher education value chain
  • Social crm framework
  • Value chain process
  • Workflow model


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