Association of maxillary transverse discrepancies and impacted maxillary canines in patients 10 - 25 years old

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6 Citations (Scopus)


The aim of this study was to investigate the association between maxillary transverse discrepancy and the occurrence of impacted canines in patients 10-25 years old. Dental casts and panoramic radiographs were evaluated in 123 patients included criteria. The experimental group consisted of 61 patients with maxillary canine impactions. The control group included 62 patients without maxillary canine impactions. Study model analysis performed according to the Pont and Korkhaus method. Panoramic radiograph analysis performed according to Ericson and Kurol. The experimental group was then analyzed based on the position of canine impaction, labially or palatally impaction. Results of this study showed that patients with a transverse discrepancy are potentially have an impacted canine. Anterior & posterior dental arch width and diagonal arch length in palatally impacted canine group were significantly greater than in the labially impacted canine (ANOVA test; p < 0.05). The average angulation and distance of the canine tip to the occlusal were significantly different between the labially and palatally impacted canines groups (Independent t-test; p < 0.05). There were an association between impacted canines and transverse discrepancies. Arch length discrepancy is thought to be a primary etiologic factor for labially impacted canines. If the maxillary canine radiographically located in sector > I, and grade > II there was a highly risk to impacted.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)322-328
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue numberSpecialissue
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Arch length
  • Impacted canine
  • Panoramic radiograph
  • Transverse discrepancy


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