Asscociation of External Factors with Successful Smoking Cessation among Indonesia Adult

Vebby Amelia Edwin, Besral

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The prevalence of smoking cessation in Indonesia was decreased from 5.4% (2010) to 4% (2013). This study aims to determine the relationship of external factors with successful smoking cessation among Indonesian adult. This is a cross sectional study using secondary data from 'Global Adult Tobacco Survey' Indonesia 2011. A total of 3175 males and 235 females, aged 15+ years old were included in this study. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to examine external factors associated with successful smoking cessation. The proportion of smoking quitter is about 15.7 percent. The external factors associated with successful smoking cessation were informed about household smoking restriction (OR: 2.5, 95% CI: 0.9 - 7.6), exposure to smoking dangers in newspaper (OR: 1.5, 95%CI:0.7 - 3.1), and unexposed to cigarette advertisement in television (OR: 2.4 95%CI: 1.4 - 4.2). Being informed of household smoking restriction, cigarette harmful effect, and unexposed to cigarette advertisement were important factors in successful smoking cessation. Cigarette dangers effect campaign and restriction of cigarette advertisement may be beneficial in supporting successful smoking cessation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventThe 2nd International Meeting of Public Health 2016 (IMOPH) - ID, Depok, Indonesia
Duration: 1 Jan 2018 → …


ConferenceThe 2nd International Meeting of Public Health 2016 (IMOPH)
Period1/01/18 → …


  • External Factor, “Global Adult Tobacco Surveyâ€�, Smoking Cessation


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