Architectural history and typology of Chinese vernacular houses In Tangerang Chinatown before and after restoration

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The city of Tangerang has a social, cultural and natural environmental background that can be used to become a city attraction. The history of Tangerang City cannot be separated from four main things that are interrelated. Among them are the role of the Cisadane River, Tangerang's location on the border of Banten and Jakarta, the status of most of the Tangerang area as private land for a long time, and the meeting of several tribes and cultures of the Tangerang community. It is difficult to separate ethnic Chinese in Tangerang from the Pasar Lama area which is located on the banks of the Cisadane river and was the first settlement of the Chinese community there. The Pasar Lama Tangerang area is the core area of the Tangerang Old City area with a function that is dominated by a cultural heritage area with cultural heritage buildings and settlements that still maintain the character of the streets and several houses that still maintain Chinese architecture. In line with the dynamics of the city of Tangerang which continues to develop rapidly, the heritage of the Chinatown area and buildings with its distinctive architecture are experiencing a decline in physical and environmental quality as well as changes in form and function. Based on the author's observations from 2014-2023, there are three old buildings that have been restored by the owners of each building, including being a museum, meeting place and restaurant/cafe. Researchers will focus on discussing one of the houses that has been restored, namely the house belonging to the Ang family which was restored to become the Kopi Lampion Cafe. The differences or changes before and after restoration are very visible in the building facade elements. This prompted this research to be conducted to answer the question: What was the history of the old building before restoration was carried out? What are the architectural characteristics and typology of Chinese architectural houses before and after restoration? This research aims to determine the architectural history of old buildings before restoration and examine the architectural characteristics and typology of Chinese architectural houses before and after restoration, especially the facade elements. The method applied in this research uses a qualitative descriptive method. Researchers will collect primary and secondary data. Primary data was carried out by means of observation, survey interviews in the field and collecting archives of old maps. Then the researcher will carry out an analysis of these data and connect it with a literature study related to the typology and characteristics of Chinese architecture by analyzing trends in the elements forming the building facade before and after restoration. Next, the researcher will draw conclusions. Of course, the restoration action on this building should be appreciated because this action saves the old building from damage and destruction and preserves the preservation of Chinese architecture in the Chinatown area of Pasar Lama Tangerang. Through this research, it is hoped that we will obtain the history and architectural characteristics of Chinatown in old buildings in the Pasar Lama Tangerangarea.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of International Seminar on Vernacular Settlement 12 “Vernacular Built Environments: Towards a Sustainable Future”
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Architectural History
  • Typology
  • Restoration
  • Vernacular Settlements
  • Chinese Settlements
  • Tangerang Old Town
  • Tangerang Chinatown
  • Pasar lama
  • Indonesia


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