Appraisal of Characters in Geunyeo-E Ireumeun and Indonesian Translation Her Name is

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study is a descriptive qualitative study that discusses the appraisal of characters found in the Korean anthology, 그녀의 이름은 (Geunyeo-e ireumeun) and its Indonesian translation, Her Name Is. This study focuses on the characters’ judgment in the Korean text (source text or ST), and the Indonesian text (target text or TT). It aims to describe the appraisal of the female lead character towards other characters, other characters towards the female lead character, and the female lead character towards herself. The data that were collected through the linguistic corpus method were then analyzed by comparing judgments found in the ST and TT. It is found that there are 97 pairs of the characters’ judgments. The result of the analysis shows that both in the ST and in the TT, the judgment of the female lead character towards her partner and society is dominantly negative (71.43%). Moreover, most of the judgment of the partner and society towards the female lead character is also negative (66.67%). Although the judgment of other female characters towards the female lead character tends to be negative (75%), there is no significant percentage gap between the positive judgments (53.33%) and negative judgments (46.67%) of the female lead character towards other female characters. Furthermore, it is found that the judgment of the lead female character towards herself is neutral. This study also discovered that the female lead character of each story is the main focalizer both in the ST and in the TT.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • appraisal
  • attitude
  • cerpen Korea


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