Application of Text Mining to Extract Hotel Attributes and Construct Perceptual Map of Five Star Hotels from Online Review: Study of Jakarta and Singapore Five-Star Hotels

Research output: Other contribution


The use of post-purchase online consumer review in hotel attributes study was still scarce in the literature. Arguably, post purchase online review data would gain more accurate attributes thatconsumers actually consider in their purchase decision. This study aims to extract attributes from two samples of five-star hotel reviews (Jakarta and Singapore) with text mining methodology. In addition,this study also aims to describe positioning of five-star hotels in Jakarta and Singapore based on the extracted attributes using Correspondence Analysis. This study finds that reviewers of five star hotels in both cities mentioned similar attributes such as service, staff, club, location, pool and food. Attributes derived from text mining seem to be viable input to build fairly accurate positioning map of hotels. This study has demonstrated the viability of online review as a source of data for hotel attribute and positioning studies.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 29 Nov 2021


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