Analysis of the Relationship between Atherosclerosis Cardiovascular Disease Risk Profile and Occupational Profile to the WHO Cardiovascular Risk Chart 2019 for South-East Asia in Oil and Gas Industry

Freade Akbar, Agus Sugiharto, Marsen Isbayu Putra, Aria Kekalih, Dewi S. Soemarko, Isman Firdaus

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The World Health Organization (WHO) has launched a new 10-year cardiovascular risk prediction recommendation known as the WHO Cardiovascular Risk Chart 2019 (WHO CRC). However, there is currently no assessment available regarding the relationship between ASCVD classic and occupational profiles to WHO CRC, specifically in occupational settings and in the context of the Indonesian Heart Association's (IHA) adjusted version of the WHO CRC for South-East Asia (WHO CRC-INA). This study aims to fill this gap by examining the relationship between classic (Atherosclerosis Cardiovascular Disease) ASCVD and occupational profiles within the oil and gas industry, specifically the WHO CRC-INA. This study is analytical cross-sectional research data were analyzed using the Chi-square test and logistic regression, with a significance level of P < 0.05. The research using total sampling method amounted to 240 workers from January to May 2022 of Medical Check Up (MCU) in a major oil and gas company. The ASCVD risk measurement instrument uses the final score of the WHO CRC-INA, grouped into low- and medium-high risk. Analysis showed that occupational profiles had a relationship with WHO CRC-INA medium-high risk, as seen in the bivariate analysis for shift work and work type (P = 0.018; OR = 2,045) had a relationship with WHO CRC-INA medium-high risk.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)245-254
Number of pages10
JournalIndian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  • cardiovascular risk
  • occupational risk
  • oil and gas
  • WHO CRC South-East


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