Analysis of the Influence of Internal and External Factors on Empowered Pregnant Women Through the Behavior of Pregnant Women in Early Detection of Pregnancy Complications

Bintang Petralina, Ridwan Amiruddin, Wahiduddin, Irwandy, Anwar Mallongi, Ummu Salmah, Suriah, Evi Martha

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Objective: Maternal health is still one of the health problems globally, including in Indonesia. Empowering women that allows someone in making decisions about themselves to detect pregnancy complications. This study aims to analyze the influence of internal and external factors on empowered pregnant women through the behavior of pregnant women in conducting early detection of pregnancy complications [KOMPAK] in Bogor Regency. Method: Village in study is an analytical survey with a cross sectional study approach, which takes data related to internal factors (age, education, and parity) and external factors (husband support, family support, community support, and health worker support), behavior (knowledge, attitudes and motivation), and empowered pregnant women. It was analyzed using the spearman correlation test and path analysis with a confidence level of 95%. The data was analyzed using the SPSS program version 26.0. Results: internal factors that influence empowered pregnant women in Conducting Early Detection of Pregnancy Complications [KOMPAK] in Bogor Regency are education (r: 0.194; p<0.001) and parity (r: -0.108; p: 0.044) which means that the higher the education and the less parity, the better empowered pregnant women will be with weak correlation strength. External factors affect Empowered Pregnant Women in Early Detection of Pregnancy Complications [KOMPAK] in Bogor Regency where external factors (husband support, family support, culture and community support, and health worker and government support) will cause empowered pregnant women to be better with moderate correlation strength (r: 0.537-0.645; p< 0.001). Conclusion: Internal factors (education and parity) and external factors (husband support, family support, culture and community support, and health worker and government support) affect (empowered pregnant women in early detection of pregnancy complications. External factors also influence pregnant women through maternal behavior (knowledge, attitudes, and motivations).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1029-1035
Number of pages7
JournalPharmacognosy Journal
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2023


  • Behavior
  • Empowered pregnant women
  • External factors
  • Internal factors


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