Analysis of synthetic red dyes in red spinach samples (Amaranthus Tricolor L.)

Dolvin Novitasari, Rani Sauriasari, Maryati Kurniadi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine whether synthetic red dyes are present in red spinach samples. Methods: The presence of the dyes Ponceau 4R, Carmoisine, Rhodamine B, Amaranth was determined in red spinach using reactions, followed by paper chromatography and thin-layer chromatography (TLC)-densitometry. In paper chromatography analyses, analytes were eluted using n-butanol- ethanol-water (4:5:5) and isobutanol-ethanol-water (3:2:4), and in TLC-densitometry, analytes were eluted with n-butanol-ethanol-water (3:7:1). Results: No synthetic red dyes were found in the seven red spinach samples. Conclusion: The synthetic dyes Rhodamin B, amaranth, Ponceau 4R, and Karmoisin were not found as contaminants of red spinach.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15-18
Number of pages4
JournalInternational Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics
Issue numberSpecial Issue 1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2018


  • Amaranth
  • Karmoisin
  • Paper chromatography
  • Ponceau 4R
  • Red spinach
  • Rhodamin B
  • Thin-layer chromatography-densitometry
  • Thinlayer chromatography


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