Analysis of Effectiveness in the Utilization and Control of Electronic Waste (E-Waste) in Indonesia

Savitri Amalia, Ibrahim Amyas aksar tarigan, Anita Rizkiyani, Catur Apriono

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In Indonesia, E-waste continues to grow rapidly, along with the increasing use of electronic goods such as telecommunications devices, households, offices, etc. Although it can be recycled, only a small portion can be done, and the recycling process is still under minimal control. Most E-waste is categorized as hazardous and toxic material waste. E-waste has a very high hazard impact if it is not recycled properly and correctly, such as polluting, damaging, and endangering the environment. This article uses forecasting of e-waste growth and canalization e-waste in Indonesia. The first data was obtained from EWasteRJ, a social community engaged in e-waste collection. The second data is obtained from questionnaires distributed to 110 respondents, focusing on knowledge and ways of handling E-waste. Using statistical analysis on both data shows that the amount of E-waste in Indonesia continues to increase every year, and public awareness of the dangers of E-waste is increasing.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-11
JournalGreen Intelligent Systems and Applications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Electronic waste
  • recycle
  • hazardous and toxic substances
  • e-waste management system


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