Analysis of Commuter Line’s Passenger Movement in the Station During Peak Hours

Muhammad Agung Santoso, Harfan Sakti, Fietrysia Leonita, Yulianto Sulistyo Nugroho

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Developments of urban areas must consider mass transportation of people generated by economic activities and their impact on public safety. Fire remains a great challenge for the city’s planner as its occurrence in crowded and busy areas could result in a fire disaster. A fire disaster in a mass public transportation system could cause serious impact due to the number of people involved. During design stage of new mass rapid transit lines, the walking characteristics of the local passengers should be greatly considered. This paper critically analysed passenger movement at the three busiest commuter line stations in Jakarta. The survey was carried out during the peak hours both in the morning and in the evening. It is observed that the walking speed of the passenger was affected by density at various locations measured on the platform and concourse levels as well as at the ticket gates. The corresponding value of the specific flow was also derived to frame the average value that could be considered during the design stage of a new line. In general, the study shows that both the average walking speed and the specific flow of the local passengers are slightly lower than the average value given in the international standards such as NFPA 130 (USA) and MLIT (Technical Standard Requirement for Japan Railway).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)157-166
JournalFire Technology
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Passenger movement Walking speed Specific flow Passenger density Peak hours


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