Analisis Persepsi Petugas RSPG Cisarua Bogor Tidak Melapor Insiden Keselamatan Pasien

Translated title of the contribution: Analyze Perception Healthcare Worker’s in RSPG Cisarua Bogor Not Reporting Patient Safety Incident

Arifah Alfiyyah, Robiana Modjo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: Hospital obligated to improve the quality of health care both internally and externally continously. The Patient Safety Incidents (PSIs) reporting system is one of the tools to improve the quality of healthcare services. The number of reporting PSIs at Respiratory M. Goenawan Hospital Cisarua Bogor each year has remained low. Objective: The purpose of this study to analyze perception of healthcare workers about the reasons not reporting the PSIs to Quality Assurance Committee in hospital. Method: The study uses the design of a mixed-method sequential explanatory study by conducting the first phase through a survey of 45 respondents officers on the reasons for refusal to report PSIs.. The second phase is through in-depth interviews to eight health workers on the perception of not reporting PSIs and to two quality assurance committee officers. Result: This research shows that the perception of cause with the highest percentage exists in health workers who do not report PSIs fears of disciplinary, feel the absence of anonymous report and unawakened confidentiality, and take a lot of time in reporting. The PSIs report in the hospital uses paper forms in writing and submitted to the patient safety quality assurance committee team. Conclusion: Reporting on paper makes healthcare workers feel an additional burden of work. There is a need for regular socialization of the type of incidents to be reported and a commitment from management with no blaming culture. Changes in the electronic reporting of PSIs can make reporting easier.

Translated title of the contributionAnalyze Perception Healthcare Worker’s in RSPG Cisarua Bogor Not Reporting Patient Safety Incident
Original languageIndonesian
Pages (from-to)933-940
Number of pages8
JournalMedia Publikasi Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024


  • Health care
  • Hospital
  • Patient Safety Incidents
  • Quality Assuramce
  • Reporting


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