Analisis Pengaruh Religiusitas terhadap kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi

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Tax is Indonesia’s biggest source of income. But, each year tax revenue target is often not achieved. This shows that tax compliance in Indonesia tends to be low. There are several factors that may influence tax compliance, one of them is religiosity. Indonesia as a country based on Pancasila holds tightly to the value of Godhead. In the teachings of Christianity, it is taught to followers to pay taxes to the government. This study aims to examine the effect of religiosity on tax compliance of Christian individual tax payer in Bekasi city. The research method used is quantitative, data collection techniques by using questionnaires. The results show that religiosity has a positive impacts on tax compliance of Christian individual tax payer in Bekasi city.
Original languageIndonesian
JournalJPAK: Jurnal Pendidikan Akuntansi dan Keuangan
Publication statusPublished - 2020

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