Age at menarche in indonesian girls: a national survey.

Jose R.L Batubara, Frida Soesanti, Hendriette Delemarre van de Waal

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to assess the age at menarche of Indonesian girls and to know the influence of BMI on menarche. this is a large multicenter survey as part of the Indonesian growth study performed in 1992-1995. Menarcheal data were collected through interview with parents or children. Body weight and height were measured and BMI were calculated based on weight (kg)/height (m)2. as many as 4145 of 17571 (24%) girls from 7 regions in Indonesia included in the growth study were eligible for the analysis of menarche. The youngest age of menarche was 9 years (n=12) and the oldest was 18 years (n=1). Most of Indonesian girls had their first period at age 12 (31.33%), age 13 (31.30%), and at age 14 (18.24%). The mean age of menarche was 12.96 years with mean BMI was 19.17 (50th to 75th percentile of BMI curve). The lowest mean age of menarche was found at Yogyakarta (12.45 years) and the highest was at Kupang (13.86 years). Kupang girls had their menarche at lower BMI (18.59) than other regions in Indonesia. All of the girls will enter menarche at BMI level greater than the 50th percentile. this study showed that most of Indonesian girls will have their menarche at the age of 12-14 years (mean age of 12.96) if their BMI level are at 50th percentile or more according to age.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)78-81
Number of pages4
JournalActa medica Indonesiana
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2010


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