Addie Model-Based Learning To Improve Competences Of Clinical Nurse Leaders

Achmad Djojo, S Suhariyanto, Raju Kapadia, Tiara Octary, J Junaidi, Delsy Cantika Sari, Khairul Fitriadi, Maria Merry, Astuti Lestari, Endang Nilaprapti, Ida Rosyada, Yudi Yudi, Irawati Novita, Ignatius Nandang, Agus Rachmadi, Tutik Sri Hariyati, Hanny Handiyani

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: Clinical nurse leaders (CNL) play a significant role inimproving the quality of nursing services. Such a role includes satisfying clients during the care process by referring to the nursing goal. In meeting the standard, CNL should enhance their knowledge, attitude, and soft andhard skills. Purpose: Identifying the competences of CNL through ADDIEmodel-based learning. Method: The present study relied on a preexperimental design with a one-group pre-test and post-test.This studyused quantitative research with the pre experiment method, and pre andpost test. As many as 20 clinical nurse leaders from inpatient units of accredited public and private hospitals in Singkawang were involved as the sample. Further, the data analysis in this study used Paired T test. The result of this study found a meaningful improvement of competences among CNL through ADDIE model-based learning (p=.006). Recommendation: ADDIE model-based learning attempts to enhance the competences of CNL. This research recommends the addition of the ADDIE model to advance the competence as the clinical nurse leaders. Moreover, this strategy can be applied to develop CNL’s ability in other managerial fields.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


  • ADDIE Model
  • Clinical Nurse Leaders (CNL)
  • Nurse’s Ability


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