Abundance of microplastic in green mussel Perna viridis, water, and sediment in Kamal Muara, Jakarta Bay

I. Fathoniah, M. P. Patria

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


Research on the abundance of microplastic in green mussel Perna viridis, water and sediments in Kamal Muara, North Jakarta in September 2017 has been done. The research determined the abundance of microplastic in water, sediment and green mussel (base on the sizes and microplastic storage organs), also the correlation between abundance of microplastic in green mussel, water and sediments. Samples of green mussel, water and sediments were taken from 3 different stations with a distance of about 500 meters. Analysis of abundance of microplastic was done by isolating microplastic in each sample. The isolation of the green mussel samples was done by dissolving the mussels in the HNO3 solutionfor 24 hours and added saturated NaCl solution. The microplastics from water and sediment samples were separated by immersion of samples in a saturated NaCl solution. The results obtained were, on average, abundance of microplastic in green mussel size 3, 6, and 9 cm i.e., 5.35; 24.99; and 39 particles/gram. The microplastic fiber was dominant in mussel sample. The average abundance of microplastic in water and sediment are 13.15 particles/L of sea water and 0.92 particles/gram of dry sediment respectively. The microplastic film was dominant in water and sediment samples. Meanwhile, pellet was not found in all three samples. There was a correlation between abundance of microplastic with green mussel size, as well as with abundance of microplastic of film and fiber in water and sediment.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012042
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jan 2021
Event2nd Basic and Applied Sciences Interdisciplinary Conference 2018, BASIC 2018 - Depok, Indonesia
Duration: 3 Aug 20184 Aug 2018


  • Correlation
  • Fiber
  • Film
  • Jakarta
  • Mussel


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