Abstract 13863: PGC-1α Mediates Differentiation Arrest of Murine Bone Marrow-derived Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Diabetes

Naoki Sawada, Dewi Sukmawati, Rie Ito-Hirano, Satoshi Fujimura, Seigo Itoh, Hiroshi Mizuno, Hiroyuki Daida, Rica Tanaka

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Introduction: Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) in murine bone marrow lineage-negative c-kit+Sca-1+ (BM-KSL) fraction are mobilized in circulation upon tissue injury to mediate a neovascularization process called vasculogenesis, which requires proper differentiative capacity of EPCs. Diabetics suffer defective vasculogenesis, a substantial mechanism for diabetic angiopathy in ischemic limb and heart. How it occurs, however, remains largely unknown. We recently demonstrated that type 1 (T1) and T2 diabetes (DM) induces a transcriptional coactivator PGC-1α in endothelial cells (ECs), and that EC PGC-1α mediates impaired cell migration and angiogenesis in DM. PGC-1α was also found to increase in EPCs cultivated from T2DM patients PB-MNCs. Building on these, we hypothesized roles for PGC-1α in EPC dysfunction.
Methods and Results: We used Tie2-Cre-driven PGC-1α conditional null mice (KO), with or without T1DM induction by streptozocine. DM increased PGC-1α mRNA in WT BM-KSL cells whereas this induction was blocked in KO cells. DM decreased the differentiation capacity of WT BM-KSL cells and PB-MNCs, as determined by the formation of primitive (pEPC) and definitive (dEPC) colonies. PGC-1α ablation in KO rescued the defective EPCs differentiation in DM, most notably PB-MNCs formation of dEPC colonies, the known vasculogenic population. Consistent with this, endothelial marker gene expression (KDR, CD31, vWF), EPCs abundance, and EPCs vasculogenic functions of PB-MNCs was blunted by DM but rescued by PGC-1α ablation in KO. Importantly, T2DM induction by high-fat diet feeding also caused reduction in the EPCs abundance and EC gene expression of PB-MNCs, which was rescued by PGC-1α ablation in KO.
Conclusions: Our data demonstrate critical new roles for PGC-1α in vasculogenesis. PGC-1α mediates the vasculogenic differentiation defect of circulating EPCs in T1 and T2 DM, in sharp contrast to the anti-migratory effect of EC PGC-1α in mediating diabetic angiostasis. Our data broadens the relevance of PGC-1α in the etiology of diabetic angiopathy, now with a potential to therapeutically restore EPCs vasculogenicity, and may provide an opportunity to improve the efficacy of autologous adoptive EPC therapy for limb and myocardial ischemia in DM.
Original languageEnglish
Issue numbersuppl_1
Publication statusPublished - 11 Nov 2016


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