A Spatial Approach in Assessing Flood Losses in Floodplain Area of Pesanggrahan River (Case Study on Ulujami and Cipulir Urban Villages, South Jakarta)

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4 Citations (Scopus)


The existence of built up areas on a river floodplain pose a threat during floods and causes socio-economic losses. The latest flood which happened in 2016 in the urban villages of Ulujami and Cipulir, South Jakarta, inundated dozens of buildings and more than a hundred of the residents were evacuated. The flood occurred because many of the residents have houses and even the government has built business structures on the Pesanggrahan River floodplain area for many years. Therefore, a spatial approach is needed for assessing economic losses by identifying the building category and conducting direct interviews with fifty respondents who lived in the area of study. The results showed the distribution of the losses due to floods is different between the southern and northern area of study, where the higher losses are more distributed in the southern area dominated by business buildings. The assessment of the economic losses according to the return period of flood event is 2,970 million rupiah or 223,750 USD (for 5 years return period), and 4,150 millions rupiah or 311,250 USD (for a 100 year return period). The result of this study is not only the amount of losses, but also the spatial distribution of the economic losses. Ultimately, this study is very useful for stakeholders as an effort to reduce the loss impacts due to floods, particulary in facing climate change effects.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012030
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 25 Nov 2019
Event13th Southeast Asian Geography Association Conference, SEAGA 2017 - Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Duration: 28 Nov 20171 Dec 2017


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