A correlation of national health insurance self-enrolled member’s satisfaction on healthcare services with premium payment

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Introduction: Since it started in 2014, there is tendency for self-enrolled members of JKN (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional/National Health Insurance) to pay the insurance premium irregularly. Marketing research results confirm that customer satisfaction is one of the important indicators for a successful service delivery that leads to repeat buying behaviour. This study aims at identifying the relationship between the satisfaction of self-enrolled members of JKN regarding healthcare services and their behaviour of paying the premium. Method: This cross-sectional study surveys 196 self-enrolled members of JKN in the greater Jakarta area (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi/Jabodetabek) using stratified random sampling. We apply a chi-square test to analyse whether there is a relationship between the perceptions of the respondents regarding healthcare satisfaction and the behaviour of routine and non-routine premium payment. Results: This study found that there is a different behaviour concerning premium payment between those that report being satisfied or dissatisfied with healthcare services. Around 79.7% of self-enrolled members in Jabodetabek who reported satisfaction with the primary healthcare pay the premium regularly, while there are only 58.3% among non-satisfied members who pay the premium regularly. Another result shows that around 81.1% of members who reported satisfaction with hospital utilisation pay the premium regularly. In contrast, regarding hospital services, 69.9% of non-satisfied members pay the premium regularly. Our chi-square test confirms that there are significant relationships between healthcare satisfaction and premium payment behaviour. Conclusion: The significant correlation between member satisfaction with healthcare services and the premium payment indicates that BPJS Kesehatan/BPJS Health/Healthcare and Social Security Agency in collaboration with healthcare providers (both primary care and hospitals), should improve service delivery to encourage self-enrolled members of JKN to pay the premium regularly.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)78-84
Number of pages7
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2018


  • Greater Jakarta area
  • Healthcare satisfaction
  • JKN
  • Premium payment
  • Self-enrolled members


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