A Comparative Study on Structure La0.7Sr0.2Ba0.1MnO3 Prepared by Sol-Gel and Wet-Mixing Methods

Dicky Rezky Munazat, Budhy Kurniawan, Dhawud Sabilur Razaq

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Nanocrystalline La0.7Sr0.2Ba0.1MnO3 (LSBMO) has been synthesized using two difference method, sol-gel and wet-mixing methods. Both samples were sintered at the same temperature of 900°C for 12 hours. Structural investigation using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) shows that both samples crystallise in the same rhombohedral structure with R3c (167) space group. A slight difference on lattice parameters, unit cell volume and Mn-O bond length was observed. The crystallinity from the sol-gel method was better than that of from wet-mixing method. The average crystallite size was calculated by Scherer formula, namely 32.8568 nm for sol-gel method and 18.3777 nm for wet-mixing method. The electronic bandwidth which was calculated with theoretical approach reveal that the sol-gel method gives larger bandwidth than the wet-mixing method, which can affect the physical properties of the LSBMO.

Original languageEnglish
Article number042026
JournalIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2019
Event9th Annual Basic Science International Conference 2019, BaSIC 2019 - Malang, Indonesia
Duration: 20 Mar 201921 Mar 2019


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