A combination of hadronic form factors for modeling the kaon photoproduction process γp → K+Λ

L. Syukurilla, Terry Mart

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10 Citations (Scopus)


We have phenomenologically investigated the kaon photoproduction process γp → K+Λ by combining different types of hadronic form factors (HFFs) inside a covariant isobar model. We obtained the best model with the smallest χ2/N by using the dipole form factor in the Born terms and a combination of the dipole, Gaussian, as well as generalized dipole form factors in the hadronic vertices of the nucleon, kaon and hyperon resonances. By utilizing this model we found that the experimental data used in the analysis are internally consistent, whereas the behavior of differential cross-section at forward angles is not significantly affected by the variation of hadronic coupling constants (CCs) and form factor cutoffs in the model.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1550008
JournalInternational Journal of Modern Physics E
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 25 Feb 2015


  • Kaon
  • hadronic form factor
  • photoproduction


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