#278 : Relationship Between Level Expression of miRNA-191 and miRNA-548c-3p in Embryo Culture Medium and Embryo Chromosomal Status

Riyan Hari Kurniawan, Raden Muharam, Indah Suci Widyahening, Pritta Ameilia Iffanolida, Budi Wiweko

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Background: microRNA (miRNA) is expressed by the human embryos and shows the difference between euploid and aneuploid embryos. miRNA which is secreted in culture media is expected to be a biomarker for embryo chromosomal status testing. This research aims to analyse the relationship between expression level of miRNA-191 and miRNA-548c-3p in embryo culture media and embryo chromosomal status.

Methods: This cross-sectional research was done on 30 embryos from 12 patients aged 28-40 years old who underwent an in vitro fertilization (IVF) program in three clinics. Embryos were cultured until blastocyst stage. PGT-A was done after blastocyst biopsy on day 5 or 6, and chromosomal analysis was done using the NGS method. The expression levels of miRNA-191 and miRNA-548c-3p were analysed from culture media sample of the embryo using qPCR method. Then the relationship between miRNA-191 and miRNA-548c-3p expression level with embryo chromosomal status was analysed.

Results: There is no significant difference in subjects’ characteristics between the euploid and aneuploid embryo groups (p>0.05) [Table 1]. There is no significant difference in the expression level of miRNA-191 of the euploid and aneuploid embryo groups. (Median quantification 8.69 vs 1.064 with p=0.351) [Table 2]. There is no significant difference in the expression level of miRNA-548c-3p of the euploid and aneuploid embryo groups. (Median quantification 9.06 vs 6.635 with p=0.709) [Table 3].

Conclusions: miRNA-191 expression level and miRNA-548c-3p expression level has no relationship with embryo chromosomal status. The level expression of miRNA-191 and miRNA-548c-3p in embryo culture has not been a good biomarker candidate for embryo chromosomal status.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2023


  • Chromosomal status
  • miRNA-191
  • miRNA-548c-3p
  • IVF


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