Projects per year
- 750 - 800 out of 9,357 results
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Mekanisme FOXO1 pada Metabolic Shift Jantung Janin Tikus
Kartinah, N. T. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Identifikasi miRNA Onkogenik Pada Vesikel Ekstraseluler Sel Punca Mesenkim
Liem, I. K. (PI)
PUTI Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Aplikasi Foto untuk Identifikasi Buried dan Webbed Penis pada Populasi Pediatrik
Wahyudi, I. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Practice Patterns in Urolithiasis Management in Indonesia during the Early COVID-19 Pandemic
Rasyid, N. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Digital Image Recognition with Machine Learning for Calculating Chordee Degree in Children with Hypospadias
Wahyudi, I. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Evaluasi Kemampuan Regang, Tegangan, dan Modulus Elastisitas Kulit Tikus Sprague Dawley Dewasa
Aulia, I. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Indigenous Youth and Land Tenurial Problems: A Case Study in Tigo Luhah Kemantan Customary Forest
Siscawati, M. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Implications of Age and Polarizing Macrophages on Osteoblast Differentiation Under Stimulation of Chitosan
Winiati, E. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Studi Transkriptomik Polarisasi Makrofag Sumsum Tulang Untuk Peningkatan Regenerasi Jaringan Tulang
Winiati, E. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Optimasi Struktur-Performa Material Paduan Super Menggunakan Metode Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan
Fatriansyah, J. F. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Predicting Corrupted Indonesian Local Government: A Machine Learning Approach
Khoirunurrofik (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Determinants and Impacts of Government Financial Quality Reporting
Setyaningrum, D. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Campus Facilities Towards Net Zero Emission Building.Case Study: I-Cell
Dewi, O. C. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Perbedaan Ekspresi Protein FGFR-3 sebagai Indikator Biologis pada Puncak dan Akhir Masa Pertumbuhan Mandibula Mencit
Soegiharto, B. M. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Profil Komposisi Mikrobiologi Oral Sebagai Marker dan Pendekatan Bakterioterapi Pasien Periodontitis
Sulijaya, B. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Physical and Psychological Strains of Workers in The Post-COVID World: A Case Study in Construction, Manufacturing, and Mining Sectors
Kadir, A. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Deteksi Dini Periodontitis Menggunakan Algoritma & Cnn dengan Radiograf Digital Intra Oral
Lelyati, S. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Inheritance Legal Pluralism and Gender Justice: A Courtroom Study in Contemporary Indonesia
Soewarno, S. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Discrete Shear Projection Method for Static and Free Vibration Analysis of FGM Sandwich Plates
Katili, I. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Ekspresi Estradiol Sebagai Indikator Biologis pada Akhri Masa Pertumbuhan Mandibula Mencit
Soegiharto, B. M. (PI)
PUTI Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Metamorfosis Pengrajin Batik menjadi Pengusaha melalui Era Digitalisasi
Sodri, A. (PI)
PUTI Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Exploring the Possibility of Dialogic Accounting Implementation in Indonesian Village
Yulianti (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Prevalensi Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria (ARB) dan Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) di Air Limbah dan Dampaknya Terhadap Lingkungan Perairan
Rahmatika, I. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Transfer Ruang Partisipasi Publik Parlemen ke Mahkamah Konstitusi melalui Pengujian Formil Undang-Undang
Arsil, F. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Developing Solid Waste Management Strategies for Green House Gasses Reduction in Jakarta Indonesia
Andari, G. S. B. (PI)
PUTI Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research