Projects per year
- 500 - 550 out of 9,356 results
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Tropical Responsive Envelope for Urban Heat Island Mitigation in Tropical Countries
Alkadri, M. F. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Pengukuran Polusi Microplastics Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir Sampah Terhadap Ekosistem Danau/Sungai dan Ternak Sapi: Distribusi dan Dampak Biologis
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Uji Klinis Acak Terkontrol Efektivitas Terapi Integrasi Sensori pada Kasus Gangguan Tumbuh Kembang Anak
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Pola Integrasi dan Modularitas Kraniofasial Celah Bibir dan Langit-Langit Tanpa Perawatan Bedah Primer
Sariesendy (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Ergonomic Risk Factors for Work-Related Upper Limb Disorders and Low Back Pain in Fishermen
Kadir, A. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Right To Be Forgotten in Judicial Information Systems: Lessons from Indonesia and Malaysia
Abiyoso, Y. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Urgensi Keberadaan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah di Ibu Kota Negara Indonesia yang Baru (IKN)
Novrizal, M. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Analisis Klinis dan Mikrobiologi pada Pasien Periodontitis Pengguna Perio Ui Care: Uji Klinis Acak Terkendali
Sulijaya, B. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Explorative Study of Intergenerational Co-Residence Between Parents and Adult Children in Indonesia
Nurwianti, F. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Potensi Sclerostin sebagai Indikator Biologis Akhir Pertumbuhan Mandibula
Soegiharto, B. M. (PI)
PUTI Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Pendekatan Sosial dan Budaya Dalam Intervensi Pencegahan Obesitas di Indonesia
Sulistiadi, W. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Analisis Kebijakan Transisi Energi Bersih Melalui Rekonsiliasi Energi Rendah Karbon dan Nilai Ekonomi Karbon
Setiawan, A. D. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Dialogic Interaction of Chatbot and Customers: Innovation in Creating Value
Balqiah, T. E. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Assessing The Scarring Effect of Digital Economy On Indonesia's Labor Market: a DSGE Approach.
Sugiharso (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Factors that Influence Customers Switching Intention from Islamic Banking Traditional Products to Islamic Crowdfunding Products in Indonesia
Sulung, L. A. K. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Hijab dalam Masyarakat Urban : Budaya Keislaman dan Mobilitas Wanita di Banda Aceh
Muttaqin, M. I. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Kajian Pengaruh Geometri Ruang Kota Terhadap Tingkat Sensasi dan Kenyamanan Termal Pedestrian
Yola, L. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Kajian Arus Mobilitas Pada Insfrastruktur Tol dan Non Tol Kawasan Aglomerasi Metropolitan
Yola, L. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Identifikasi Komponen Hippo Pathway/YAP1 Dalam Kaitannya Terhadap Status Metastasis Pasien Kanker Nasofaring
Lisnawati (PI)
PUTI Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Machinability of Endmill H13 Steel Manufactured by Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing
Kiswanto, G. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Evaluation Criterion Enhancement of Generative Adversial Network Imputation
Mursanto, P. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
5G Lab as a Service in Higher Education for Lab Infrastructure Innovation and Accessibility
Wibisono, G. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Metode Delta Continous Wavelet Transform dalam Penentuan Heterogenitas Litologi dan Fluida dari Data Seismik
Rusin, R. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Bilangan Kromatik Antiajaib Lokal dari Graf Hutan
Silaban, D. R. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
A Geometric Analysis of the Infectious Diseases Spread Model with a Periodic Transmission Rate
Rusin, R. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Kombinasi Model Efficicntnet dan Teknik Visualisasi Grad-CAM dalam Klasifikasi Mu/Tic/Ass Hasil MRI Tumor Otak
B., A. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Injectable Human Amniotic Membrane Hydrogel for Cardiac Tissue Engineering
Katili, P. A. (PI)
PUTI Q2 2023 University of Indonesia
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Kajian Distribusi Aliran Udara Cold Storage 20 Feet untuk Komoditas Perikanan
Budiyanto, M. A. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research
Addressing Systemic Issues Underpinning Water Insecurity in Jakarta and Environs
Manurung, L. (PI)
1/01/23 → 1/01/24
Project: Research