LGBT and social inclusion in Indonesia: What survey says?


Period12 Feb 2018

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleLGBT and social inclusion in Indonesia: What survey says?
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outlet the conversation
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionThe onslaught against LGBT people in Indonesia is rising again these days, repeating the heated debate that took place in 2016. This was triggered in December last year by the Constitutional Court’s rejection of a petition that calls to outlaw premarital sex and same-sex behaviour. The effort to outlaw these sexual conducts has now moved into the parliament, who are deliberating the revised Criminal Code. Media coverage, has again, highlighted LGBT as a threat, moral degradation, sinful and punishable. In the midst of the anti-homosexuality “campaign”, on January 25th, 2018 a national survey was released on society’s attitudes toward LGBT. Conducted by Saiful Mujani Research & Consulting (SMRC), the survey is perhaps the first of its kind. Using multistage random sampling, 1,220 respondents were interviewed. Some of the main findings include: • 58.3% of the respondents know of or have heard about LGBT From those that know what LGBT is: • the majority (87%) feel LGBT are a threat • 79% feel uncomfortable having LGBT as their neighbour • About 46% can accept if a family member is LGBT • About 58% perceive that LGBT has the right to life in the country • 50% perceive that the state should protect the LGBT.
    PersonsIrwan Martua Hidayana